Austin Key Maker

(512) 522-8635

Company Info

Austin Key Maker
9612 N Lamar Blvd
Austin, TX 78753

Call Now: (512) 522-8635

MON-FRI: 9am - 5pm
SAT - SUN: 10am -4pm


auto locksmith

keys made

lost keys

key duplication

key maker

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Austin Key Maker unlocks businessSometimes you lose your house keys. That's normal. And sometimes you lose them quite often because you have kids who don't ever bring them back. That's also normal. Here at Austin Key Maker we are ready to handle every day life type of situations.

If you need keys made then you should give us a call at (512) 522-8635 and we will have your keys made in no time at all. We understand that life happens and that keys are a fickle thing to try and always keep up with, or that you are constantly trading and sealing them with other members of your family, and sometimes you just need key duplication.

Well that's one of our many services we can offer you : key duplication. We have crafted key makers and even mobile key makers if you have been locked out of your home and need one of our technicians to come assist you. If you've lost your keys and need to have keys made, we can also help you with that.

Business lost keys replacement testedWe also offer auto locksmith services for those days you have lost keys or get locked out of your car altogether we can help you out by sending someone to come help you find your lost keys, or get them out of the vehicle.

More often than not it' is easier to just make a new key for your car if you've lost it and that's just fine, An auto locksmith will be called to help you and talk to you about the problem and its solutions so you can make sure you are getting the best price for the services you are paying for.

We would love to be your new auto locksmith company and always be there for when things go wrong, call us today at (512) 522-8635, visit our website at or come give us a visit in person at 9612 N Lamar Blvd Austin TX 78753